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Get Ready for Homecoming:

There's No Place Like Home!

At Cedar Lane UU Congregation's

2024 Spring Auction Celebration

Online Silent Auction: April 28, 8:00 AM to May 13, 8:00 PM

Free registration to bid on a popular assortment of goods, services, and experiences.



Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 4:30 - 7:30 PM

Cedar Lane UU Congregation

9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814


In-person event featuring a Homecoming Dance with our own Travis Ploeger as DJ, food and drink, great company, and a live auction of things to do and places to see.


Buy Tickets from Sunday, April 14 through Friday, May 10.


Pay What you Can Tiered Prices


$45 – Ticket for adults that covers cost per person to host the event.

$25 –  Ticket for adults that partially covers cost per person to host the event. We especially encourage this option for people who are new to Cedar Lane, have never attended our live auction, or would need to carefully budget to afford a higher expense.


Youth Tickets


$25 -- Video Game Truck for children and youth of all ages. Includes dinner and other programming.


FREE -- For children through grade 5 who are not participating in the Video Game Truck, please get a FREE Childcare Ticket for each child you'll be leaving with our childcare staff. This helps us plan activities and food for the number of children attending. Planned activities include games, crafts, music, and dancing. Pizza, juice and cookies as well.


This is an event for everyone at Cedar Lane, so if the ticket cost is truly a barrier for you, please reach out to one of our ministers for an accommodation.


When I pay more, I am helping Cedar Lane cover costs.

When I pay less, I am letting my community hold and support me.

Both are wonderful and welcomed ways of participating.



Raffle tickets will be available when you purchase your admission ticket and in person after services and at the event on May 11. $10 each.


➤ 50-50 CLUUC Bucks (The winner and the church split the 50/50 receipts.)


➤ Made-for-You Quilt by Ariel Mora. A selection of her quilts is below!


Quilts by Ariel Mora


Donate  •  Donation Ideas  •  Volunteer


Questions? Email auction@cedarlane.org



Thank you to our Sponsors!